The players:
Christina, the mom
Rik, the dad
Boris & Spike, the brothers
Hella, the monster
The scene:
Early morning in the Speed house. Overnight, Boris and Spike have crept into their parents' usual. Christina is to the starboard side, Rik next to her, then Spike, and Boris lying on the port side.6:45am
Hella wakes up for her early morning nursing. Christina, dutiful as always, brings her into the bed with everyone else. This, it turns out, is a dreadful mistake.
Dun dun dunnnnnnn...
Christina has fallen back to sleep. Hella has finished her nursing. She sits up, surveying the sleeping family, a malevolent twinkle in her eye.
The attack begins.
She launches herself onto Rik's face, slapping, drooling and biting. A squeal of girlish glee punctuating each dive. After getting nothing more than a groan, she changes tactics. Sitting back up, Hella spots Christina's long hair. A few quick tugs elicit more groans. Next up is Spike. She clambers over Rik, kneeing him in the nose. Spike's response to the pummeling is much more satisfying to Hella's black little heart...he shrieks...loudly. Next, Boris is quickly dispatched with a few swift kicks to the face...bringing more yelling.
Rik halts the carnage by grabbing her and pulling her under the covers. She will not be contained. Fighting her way out, she dives onto Rik's face again, this time with a well-timed eye gouge. Christina pulls her off, winning herself a giggling head butt to the mouth.
By this time, both boys have risen and joined in the melee; punching, jumping, laughing, screaming and tickling. Rik and Christina look at each other with bleary eyes...time to get up.